Monday, November 24, 2008
Sue's Wow: Ladle
The link I send you is a design of a ladle that floats on water (see the video).
I thought it was a neat idea (very simple!), one that I really needed.
Aditya's Wow: Tadao Ando, Colani, Oakley, Anish Kapoor and Google Earth
Michel's Wow: Japanese Design

Well, if there's one type of design that makes me go "wow", then I must tell you it is Japanese design. A while ago I was trying to get an internship in Japan, so I made a document, with different Japanese designbureau's that are amazing. I've attached the file for you. Go and check out the websites!
Esin's Wow: Kelly Dobson's work (MIT Media Lab)
here you have my two WOW products.. Since the first day I ve seen them, like a year ago, maybe a bit less, I am wow ing them. I was green of envy why didn't I come up with such a design ?!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Anahi's Wow: Rahid's Kaj Watch, Campana Brothers, iPhone

1) Karim Rashid's Kaj Watch for Alessi, 2006 - Orange or Black.
Injected plastic is only one piece... That was amazing. They have been producing different colors, but here is a pic...
2) Humberto and Fernando Campana.
Favela Chair (1991), Bamboo+Acrylic chair and folded acrylic chair. They try to integrate elements from their own culture, and use mostly local materials in their designs.
By the way one studied architecture and the other law... By the way their website is really cool too. It's slow and not really user friendly but cool.
3) And the last time I went WOW for a design, and that I toughed that I really really had to get my hands on it was... definitely the iPhone, despite I know it is kind of a cliche. I've used apple products since I was 4, so that is almost 25 years, so I am not the typical new mac fan. I think what they managed to do in terms of friendly usability is awesome. I also love having everything (phone, agenda, email, ipod, camera, etc) in just one thing.
I also really enjoy seeing how people reuse product for something completely of what they were designed for... adapt them to their own needs... it is all about creativity!
Dries' Wow: Wow Spontanous, Wow Reflexus, Wow to me
I believe that their are 3 types of Wow designs. The first one is the Wow reflectus, the second one is the Wow spontaneous and the last one is the Wow to Me
The Wow Spontaneous
This is the Wow feeling you have spontaneously when you see a new product. Its purely an emotional reflex on what we see and its diminishing over time. It can also occur as result of a straight benchmark between multiple products. E.g. What a nice red car...
The Wow Reflectus
The is wow reflex is a more controlled wow effect. It occours when people put the product / inventions in the bigger (biggest) context. When seeing this product / invention in this context the person gets a Wow effect. E.g. The invention of the wheel. This Wow reflectus could be once be a wow spontaneous but survived through time due to its added value. These Wow reflectus products or inventions are mostly seen as normal products and are widely adepted e.g. Car, Tv, ... Only a little innocent child would experience this as a Wow Design ...
The Wow To Me
The last wow is the wow to me. This wow is personal and is emotional loaded. Its your personalized reaction on a product that you like through the shapes you grew up with and the preferences in style, brand, colours you refined through the years. These wow are based on personal drivers and could therefore be the same as the Wow reflectus or the wow spontaneous.
Having said this I think, I secretly prefer the Wow reflectus as I am still a little kid inside. I like ideas that make a big impact. I think its the wet dream of every designer to make such a product. The only downside is that when you design this product your not more then a person behind the concept. (Who build the first car, who build the first plane,...) Its seldom the designer but mostly the marketer who's cashing the fame (Ford)
I believe that I don't have to much spontaneous Wow's due to the saturation of products in these world and my critic (reflectus mode ) of looking to these products or inventions. (but i can sometimes be spontaneous...) My Woo To me products are simple, effective, intrinsic added value but with a touch of sophistication or playfulness. Moreover, I think it doesn't always have to work but i needs a vision (or maybe a good story)
The Wow Spontaneous
This is the Wow feeling you have spontaneously when you see a new product. Its purely an emotional reflex on what we see and its diminishing over time. It can also occur as result of a straight benchmark between multiple products. E.g. What a nice red car...
The Wow Reflectus
The is wow reflex is a more controlled wow effect. It occours when people put the product / inventions in the bigger (biggest) context. When seeing this product / invention in this context the person gets a Wow effect. E.g. The invention of the wheel. This Wow reflectus could be once be a wow spontaneous but survived through time due to its added value. These Wow reflectus products or inventions are mostly seen as normal products and are widely adepted e.g. Car, Tv, ... Only a little innocent child would experience this as a Wow Design ...
The Wow To Me
The last wow is the wow to me. This wow is personal and is emotional loaded. Its your personalized reaction on a product that you like through the shapes you grew up with and the preferences in style, brand, colours you refined through the years. These wow are based on personal drivers and could therefore be the same as the Wow reflectus or the wow spontaneous.
Having said this I think, I secretly prefer the Wow reflectus as I am still a little kid inside. I like ideas that make a big impact. I think its the wet dream of every designer to make such a product. The only downside is that when you design this product your not more then a person behind the concept. (Who build the first car, who build the first plane,...) Its seldom the designer but mostly the marketer who's cashing the fame (Ford)
I believe that I don't have to much spontaneous Wow's due to the saturation of products in these world and my critic (reflectus mode ) of looking to these products or inventions. (but i can sometimes be spontaneous...) My Woo To me products are simple, effective, intrinsic added value but with a touch of sophistication or playfulness. Moreover, I think it doesn't always have to work but i needs a vision (or maybe a good story)
Soumitra's Wow: Ross Lovegrove, Toyo Ito, Kayuyo Sejima and Marcel Wanders's knotted chair

I saw this one today. actually, for the past few months i've been kinda looking outside for 'different' designed objects (outside TU Delft/Modernism/Netherlands) and there are some awesome things around. It's a shame that most of these things don't make it into casual conversation at our faculty - but, it really opened up a new world for me personally. A couple of names I can drop would be designs by Ross Lovegrove (Liquid carbon image), architecture by Toyo Ito (img: interior of serpent pavilion) and Kazuyo Sejima (img: steel carpet). Of course, the 'knotted chair' by Marcel Wanders deserves a mention too.
This time, there were a few cool pieces at the Design Academy graduation show... the polymer bath-tub for example, and the concrete seats that looked as if made from rubber.
Anna's Wow: Bodum glazen en de cafetiere

Super moeilijk. Ik vind sommige dingen vet, omdat ze vet zijn in bepaalde aspecten.
Ik vind de cafetiere een van de fijnste producten die ik zelf heb. Simpel, iconisch met veel culturele lading.
Verder ben ik zelf veel meer geinspireerd door beeldende kunst, toneel, muziek, film en dans. En ben ik niet iemand die heel erg op producten geilt. Gek, ik weet het, als ontwerper.
Ik hou van mijn telefoon. Omdat het staat voor de poort naar de mensen van wie ik houd en die binnen handbereik kan hebben.
Verder houd ik van vorm. Gewoon een simpele mooie vorm, liefst met een vleugje poezie. Het bodum kopje is daar een voorbeeld van.
Ik kan nog honderdduizend dingen verzinnen die ik mooi en grappig en leuk vind.
Maar eigenlijk gaat het mij vaak veel meer om de emotionele waarde of de culturele waarde van producten, dus wat het product is gaan betekenen tijdens de gebruiker-product-interactie. En daarbij simpelheid. Hoe simpeler het product, hoe fijner. Ik hou dan ook helemaal niet van electronische gadgets, computers, mp3-spelers, electronische domestic appliances of andere typisch IO producten. Eigenlijk. Ik ben wel geinteresseerd in de rol die die producten spelen en hoe deze de waargenomen werkelijkheid van de gebruiker beinvloed.
Ik hou van pannen die generaties lang worden gebruikt door families, ringen die mensen dragen om hun liefde te bezegelen, servies dat mensen uitnodigd om met hun handen te eten, tafels die wiebelen, lampenkappen die veranderen met de tijd, oude grolsch flesjes die ik mee naar school kreeg...kortom, ik ben geinteresseerd in mensen en de gekke dingen die ze doen en wat voor dingen ze daarbij gebruiken.
Pascal's Wow: Knikkertafel
Monday, November 17, 2008
Pascal's Wow: Nike +
Juan's Wow: Passion, expressiveness and the Murcielago
For me, those designs with which i feel expressiveness and passion from the author are the ones that make me say "WOW". To be allowed to give some personal touch to the design is hard sometimes. Specially, when we are covered by the same "umbrella" of scientific methods. Sometimes, i miss my bachelor because in the design process i could give more from my "passion" (as designer from arts) to my works. In spite os that, i have been able to do so in Delft, but now i feel more restricted. However, if we are smart, we can make both things and that fine-subtle line between "passion" and method would be mixed.
Anyway, the last design that made me say WOW was not a "design". It is not a product, it is not tangible. One day, i was riding my bike and i found these guys drawing the graffitis under the bridge. I stopped and i started to watch them. I could feel their passion in their designs. A graffiti is a cultural-personal-circumstantial design that they are free to communicate. They have their own methods and their own rules. A graffiti last some weeks before someone else draw something different on it. You pass by and you can get what the designer was feeling in that moment.
If i thing in a product, i would say: cars; and Lamborghini is one of them. Those cars are expression itself. Let's say Murcielago. It is an expression of speed but also the synthesis of a murcielago!. You can read that when you see it, i can not imagine if you drive it!.
Well, i think this is what came out my mind now.
Anyway, the last design that made me say WOW was not a "design". It is not a product, it is not tangible. One day, i was riding my bike and i found these guys drawing the graffitis under the bridge. I stopped and i started to watch them. I could feel their passion in their designs. A graffiti is a cultural-personal-circumstantial design that they are free to communicate. They have their own methods and their own rules. A graffiti last some weeks before someone else draw something different on it. You pass by and you can get what the designer was feeling in that moment.
If i thing in a product, i would say: cars; and Lamborghini is one of them. Those cars are expression itself. Let's say Murcielago. It is an expression of speed but also the synthesis of a murcielago!. You can read that when you see it, i can not imagine if you drive it!.
Well, i think this is what came out my mind now.

Dimitri's Wow: Unnatural things, new levels of interaction, of material applications and of integraton of functions

Unnatural things (floating lamp)
High/new level of interaction (example iPhone, interactive table, wii)
Slick formgiving, smart mechanics not persee needed (furniture, conceptcars, medical products)
New material applications (wooden bike, concrete speakers)
New integration of functions (simple things that make daily life easier, not meaning 'extra' functionality like camera in phone)
Martijn's Wow: The new Macbook
Thursday, November 6, 2008
What's the last time design made me go "wow"?
Looking for a graduation project,
I'm looking for inspiration.
Come to think of it,
what's the last time design made me go "wow"?
I'm going to ask around, and I'll post it here.
I'm looking for inspiration.
Come to think of it,
what's the last time design made me go "wow"?
I'm going to ask around, and I'll post it here.
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