Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Dries' Wow: Wow Spontanous, Wow Reflexus, Wow to me

I believe that their are 3 types of Wow designs. The first one is the Wow reflectus, the second one is the Wow spontaneous and the last one is the Wow to Me

The Wow Spontaneous
This is the Wow feeling you have spontaneously when you see a new product. Its purely an emotional reflex on what we see and its diminishing over time. It can also occur as result of a straight benchmark between multiple products. E.g. What a nice red car...

The Wow Reflectus
The is wow reflex is a more controlled wow effect. It occours when people put the product / inventions in the bigger (biggest) context. When seeing this product / invention in this context the person gets a Wow effect. E.g. The invention of the wheel. This Wow reflectus could be once be a wow spontaneous but survived through time due to its added value. These Wow reflectus products or inventions are mostly seen as normal products and are widely adepted e.g. Car, Tv, ... Only a little innocent child would experience this as a Wow Design ...

The Wow To Me
The last wow is the wow to me. This wow is personal and is emotional loaded. Its your personalized reaction on a product that you like through the shapes you grew up with and the preferences in style, brand, colours you refined through the years. These wow are based on personal drivers and could therefore be the same as the Wow reflectus or the wow spontaneous.

Having said this I think, I secretly prefer the Wow reflectus as I am still a little kid inside. I like ideas that make a big impact. I think its the wet dream of every designer to make such a product. The only downside is that when you design this product your not more then a person behind the concept. (Who build the first car, who build the first plane,...) Its seldom the designer but mostly the marketer who's cashing the fame (Ford)

I believe that I don't have to much spontaneous Wow's due to the saturation of products in these world and my critic (reflectus mode ) of looking to these products or inventions. (but i can sometimes be spontaneous...) My Woo To me products are simple, effective, intrinsic added value but with a touch of sophistication or playfulness. Moreover, I think it doesn't always have to work but i needs a vision (or maybe a good story)

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